Yield of head CT in the alcohol-intoxicated patient in the emergency department.

Publication Type Academic Article
Authors Godbout B, Lee J, Newman D, Bodle E, Shah K
Journal Emerg Radiol
Volume 18
Issue 5
Pagination 381-4
Date Published 06/08/2011
ISSN 1438-1435
Keywords Alcoholic Intoxication, Craniocerebral Trauma, Tomography, X-Ray Computed
Abstract We aimed to determine the yield of positive head computed tomography (CT) findings among suspected alcohol-intoxicated patients presenting to the emergency department (ED). Our secondary aim was to determine if elderly intoxicated patients were more likely to have an intracranial injury. We identified patients suspected of alcohol intoxication who underwent CT scanning in the ED over a 4-year period. Pre-determined data elements including demographics, diagnosis, and disposition were extracted using a pre-formatted data sheet by blinded abstractors. "Positive" CT was defined as evidence of any type of intracranial hemorrhage. A total of 2,671 subjects with suspected alcohol intoxication and a head CT were identified. Fifty out of the 2,671 (1.9%) had a positive CT. Among CT scans of elderly (≥60 years of age) subjects, 15/555 (2.7%, 95% CI = 1.4-4.1%) were positive compared with 35/2,116 (1.7%, 95% CI = 1.1-2.2%) among those <60 years of age (p = 0.11). The yield of positive head CT among alcohol-intoxicated patients was low, at 1.9%. An age cutoff of 60 years in this population did not predict a significantly higher positive rate.
DOI 10.1007/s10140-011-0966-3
PubMed ID 21655964
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