The Utility of a Virtual Emergency Medicine Elective for Visiting Medical Students.

Publication Type Academic Article
Authors Chu D, Pandit K, Giles R, Olsen E, Fortenko A, Greenwald P, Murano T, Shah K, Lin S
Journal Cureus
Volume 15
Issue 8
Pagination e43686
Date Published 08/18/2023
ISSN 2168-8184
Abstract Background Away rotations allow emergency medicine (EM)-bound fourth-year medical students to experience a residency program's educational culture and influence the ranking of residency programs. The financial cost and geographic distance have limited student participation in away electives. In recent years, COVID-19 pandemic-related restrictions on away rotations resulted in the creation of multiple virtual courses. Despite the lifting of restrictions, these courses may still have utility in helping students circumvent barriers to away rotations. Limitations of previously described courses include insufficient student-faculty interaction, which influences students' understanding of the educational environment. We sought to develop and evaluate a virtual EM elective for fourth-year medical students, focused on student-faculty interaction including precepted patient contact. Methodology We developed a two-week virtual EM elective for fourth-year medical students incorporating teaching sessions designed to optimize student-faculty interactions and attending-supervised telemedicine visits. After completion of the course, students completed an anonymous course evaluation. Results Course evaluations showed that the course improved students' understanding of our residency's educational environment by providing students with access to our residency program. The most frequently cited factors preventing participation in a traditional away elective were financial cost, limit in the allowed number of away rotations, and challenges in finding housing. Conclusions We believe this course may be an effective way of improving visiting students' understanding of the educational culture of our EM residency program. Thus, although pandemic-related restrictions have been lifted, this course may serve as a valuable adjunct to the traditional away EM rotation.
DOI 10.7759/cureus.43686
PubMed ID 37724195
PubMed Central ID PMC10505271
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