Undergraduate clerkship in emergency medicine: experience from Pakistan.

Publication Type Academic Article
Authors Mehmood A, Baqir S, Shahid M, Razzak J
Journal J Pak Med Assoc
Volume 61
Issue 11
Pagination 1120-2
Date Published 11/01/2011
ISSN 0030-9982
Keywords Clinical Clerkship, Curriculum, Emergency Medicine
Abstract Although Emergency Medicine (EM) is an integral part of undergraduate medical curriculum in many countries, it has not been included formally in the MBBS curriculum in Pakistan. Medical graduates are supposed to be able to handle common as well as life threatening emergencies but little has been done to ensure the process to achieve this competence. The development of an undergraduate EM curriculum is important but challenging task. Implementation of standard curriculum will ensure that medical graduates have gained competence in assessing and managing acutely ill patients and dealing with common emergencies. This paper shares the features of an undergraduate EM clerkship which can be used as a template by other medical institutions.
PubMed ID 22125992
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