Telemedicine and its transformation of emergency care: a case study of one of the largest US integrated healthcare delivery systems.

Publication Type Academic Article
Authors Sharma R, Fleischut P, Barchi D
Journal Int J Emerg Med
Volume 10
Issue 1
Pagination 21
Date Published 07/06/2017
ISSN 1865-1372
Abstract Innovative methods for delivering healthcare via the use of technology are rapidly growing. Despite the passage of the Affordable Care Act, emergency department visits have continued to rise nationally. Healthcare systems must devise solutions to face these increasing volumes and also deliver high quality care. In response to the changing healthcare landscape, New York Presbyterian Hospital has implemented a comprehensive enterprise wide digital health portfolio which includes the first mobile stroke treatment unit on the east coast and the first emergency department-based digital emergency care program in New York City.
DOI 10.1186/s12245-017-0146-7
PubMed ID 28685213
PubMed Central ID PMC5500596
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