Road safety in the Eastern Mediterranean Region--findings from the Global Road Safety Status Report.

Publication Type Academic Article
Authors Soori H, Hussain S, Razzak J
Journal East Mediterr Health J
Volume 17
Issue 10
Pagination 770-6
Date Published 10/01/2011
ISSN 1020-3397
Keywords Accidents, Traffic, Automobile Driving, Wounds and Injuries
Abstract A secondary data analysis using the Global Status Report on Road Safety (GSRRS) was carried out to assess the epidemiology of road traffic injuries (RTIs) and preventive strategies in the Eastern Mediterranean egion (EMR). EMR countries ranked equal first in the world for the highest number of fatalities due to RTIs (32.2 per 100 000 population). The region had about 4% of the world's vehicles with 0.097 registered vehicles per person. The number of injured cases in EMR was 210.1 per 100 000 population. Only 15% of EMR countries had a funded, independent, multisectoral body for road safety. Only 25% had mandatory seat-belt laws for both front-seat and rear-seat passengers, 60% had mandatory helmet laws for both drivers and passengers of motorized two-wheelers and 10% had child restraint laws. Road safety in EMR countries needs more attention and consideration.
DOI 10.26719/2011.17.10.770
PubMed ID 22256412
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