Renal trauma after blunt abdominal injury.

Publication Type Case Report
Authors Harper K, Shah K
Journal J Emerg Med
Volume 45
Issue 3
Pagination 400-4
Date Published 07/08/2013
ISSN 0736-4679
Keywords Baseball, Kidney, Wounds, Nonpenetrating
Abstract BACKGROUND: The kidney is the third most common solid organ injury in blunt abdominal trauma. The preferred treatment of blunt kidney injury varies according to grade of severity, with a preference for non-operative management in most instances. DISCUSSION: We examine an unusual case of blunt renal trauma. In this case, our patient presented with severe flank pain and hematuria after a game of softball. Our focused abdominal sonography for trauma revealed fluid in the splenorenal recess concerning for intra-abdominal injury, and subsequent abdominal computed tomography confirmed a grade IV kidney laceration. CONCLUSION: Our patient was managed medically despite his high grade of injury. This article reviews the diagnosis and management of blunt renal trauma and highlights the fact that despite significant injury, a patient can go on to do well with conservative management alone.
DOI 10.1016/j.jemermed.2013.03.043
PubMed ID 23845527
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