Ocular injuries: emergency department strategies.

Publication Type Review
Authors Bae E, Messman A, Shah K
Journal Emerg Med Pract
Volume 25
Issue Suppl 10
Pagination 1-38
Date Published 10/01/2023
ISSN 1559-3908
Keywords Eye Injuries
Abstract Ocular injuries are common in the emergency department, and they are the most frequent cause of noncongenital monocular blindness in children and adults. Systematic evaluation and management of ocular trauma patients will ensure these patients have the best chance for a favorable final visual outcome. This review provides evidence-based recommendations for the diagnosis, treatment, and disposition of patients with traumatic ocular injuries, including retrobulbar hemorrhage, traumatic hyphema, open globe injuries, ocular chemical burns, and corneal abrasions. The use of bedside ultrasound, antibiotics, cycloplegics, steroids, antifibrinolytics, and patching are also discussed.
PubMed ID 37768702
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