The King laryngeal tube: a mimic of esophageal intubation in the emergency department.

Publication Type Case Report
Authors Green D, Root C, Drexler I, Legasto A, St George J
Journal Emerg Radiol
Volume 24
Issue 6
Pagination 701-704
Date Published 06/20/2017
ISSN 1438-1435
Keywords Intubation, Intratracheal
Abstract The King Airway is a temporary airway device used primarily in the pre-hospital setting and typically exchanged for an endotracheal tube upon arrival to the emergency department. Since this usually occurs before imaging, many radiologists are unfamiliar with the King Airway. This lack of familiarity can have important consequences for the patient and treating team. The purpose of this article is to raise awareness of the King Airway among radiologists, emphasize appropriate positioning, and review the imaging complications of incorrect positioning.
DOI 10.1007/s10140-017-1529-z
PubMed ID 28634749
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