How distracting is distracting pain?

Publication Type Academic Article
Authors Li S, Greenwald P
Journal Am J Emerg Med
Volume 21
Issue 1
Pagination 43-4
Date Published 01/01/2003
ISSN 0735-6757
Keywords Catheterization, Peripheral, Pain, Pain Threshold, Perception
Abstract The study was to determine the effect of preexisting pain on the perception of a painful stimulus. We conducted a cross-section study at an urban ED using convenience sampling. Adult patients who had a 20-g IV catheter placed as part of their ED care were eligible for the study. Patients were excluded for the following reasons: more than one IV attempt, altered mental status, visual impairment, intoxication, or a physical abnormality at the IV site. Patients were asked to indicate on a 10-cm visual analog scale (VAS) the amount of pain they had at baseline immediately before IV placement. They were then asked to indicate on a separate VAS the amount of pain caused by the IV placement. Correlation between baseline pain and pain of the IV was assessed using Pearson's rho. One hundred patients were enrolled in the study. The pain of IV placement did not differ significantly by gender, race, who placed the IV, or the location of the IV. The correlation between baseline pain and pain of the IV placement was poor (rho =.14, confidence interval:-.06-.33). The response to a standardized painful stimulus among ED patients does not correlate highly with the severity of preexisting pain.
DOI 10.1053/ajem.2003.50003
PubMed ID 12563579
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