Focusing on Caregiver Neglect: A Novel Strategy for Mistreatment of Older Adults Screening and Intervention.

Publication Type Academic Article
Authors Rosen T, Shaw A, Elman A, Baek D, Gottesman E, Park S, Costantini H, Cury Hincapie M, Chang E, Hancock D, Jaret A, Lees Haggerty K, Burnes D, Lachs M, Pillemer K, Czaja S
Journal Gerontologist
Volume 65
Issue 2
Date Published 12/17/2024
ISSN 1758-5341
Keywords Caregivers, Elder Abuse, Mass Screening
Abstract Mistreatment of older adults is common and has serious health consequences but is underrecognized and underreported. Screening for mistreatment of older adults and initiation of intervention in primary care clinics may be helpful, but the value of existing tools is not supported by evidence. We argue that shifting the focus to individual subtypes of mistreatment of older adults can provide improved approaches to screening and ultimately to intervention. We focus on the example of caregiver neglect, the subtype associated with highest mortality. To develop caregiver neglect screening and intervention programs and to measure their effectiveness and impact, we assert that it is critical to: (1) define the phenomenon, (2) develop a conceptual model to explain why it occurs, (3) develop measurement strategies, and (4) systematically examine existing literature. We describe here the initial components of this development process.
DOI 10.1093/geront/gnae185
PubMed ID 39693260
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