Establishing a successful pre-hospital emergency service in a developing country: experience from Rescue 1122 service in Pakistan.

Publication Type Academic Article
Authors Waseem H, Naseer R, Razzak J
Journal Emerg Med J
Volume 28
Issue 6
Pagination 513-5
Date Published 09/15/2010
ISSN 1472-0213
Keywords Emergency Medical Services, Government Programs, Poverty
Abstract As in many other developing countries, emergency medical services, especially pre-hospital emergency care, has long been neglected in Pakistan. Consequently, patients are brought to the emergency departments by relatives or bystanders in private cars, taxis or any other readily available mode of transportation. Ambulances, where they exist, have barely a stretcher and arrangements for oxygen supply. Modern emergency services are considered too costly for many countries. A model of pre-hospital emergency services, called Rescue 1122 and established in Punjab province of Pakistan, is presented. The system is supported by government funding and provides a quality service. The article describes the process of establishment of the service, the organisational structure, the scope of services and the role it is currently playing in the healthcare of the region it serves.
DOI 10.1136/emj.2010.096271
PubMed ID 20844094
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