Differences in risk-adjusted outcome of road traffic injuries in urban tertiary care centers of Pakistan.

Publication Type Academic Article
Authors Mehmood A, Razzak J, Mir M, Jooma R
Journal J Pak Med Assoc
Volume 65
Issue 9
Pagination 984-9
Date Published 09/01/2015
ISSN 0030-9982
Keywords Accidents, Traffic
Abstract OBJECTIVE: To assess the differences in road injury survival in three tertiary care hospitals in an urban setting. METHODS: The study was conducted in and comprised all road traffic injury victims presenting to the three state-run tertiary care centres in Karachi from September 2006 to October 2009. Patients' age, gender, mode, and delay in arrival, severity of injury were noted. Data was stratified by hospital of presentation. A logistic regression model was developed and probability of survival was assessed after adjusting for various risk factors, including patient characteristics and injury severity. RESULTS: There were 93,657victims in the study, but complete information was missing in 6,458(6.89%) study subjects, including survival information. Overall, 83,837(89.5%) were males; 64,269(74%) were aged between 16 and 45 years; 84,016(95%) had injury severity score of ?15; and overall survival was 84,141(96.5%). CONCLUSIONS: Significant differences existed in risk-adjusted survival of road injury victims presenting to public hospitals of Karachi. These differences pointed to variations in the process of care, and highlighted opportunities for improvement.
PubMed ID 26338746
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