D-dimer cut-off points and risk of venous thromboembolism in adult hospitalized patients with COVID-19.

Publication Type Letter
Authors Choi J, Wehmeyer G, Li H, Alshak M, Nahid M, Rajan M, Liu B, Schatoff E, Elahjji R, Abdelghany Y, D'Angelo D, Crossman D, Evans A, Steel P, Pinheiro L, Goyal P, Safford M, Mints G, DeSancho M
Journal Thromb Res
Volume 196
Pagination 318-321
Date Published 09/17/2020
ISSN 1879-2472
Keywords COVID-19, Fibrin Fibrinogen Degradation Products, Pulmonary Embolism, Venous Thromboembolism, Venous Thrombosis
DOI 10.1016/j.thromres.2020.09.022
PubMed ID 32977130
PubMed Central ID PMC7495176
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