COVID-19 Pandemic Surge: After-Action Report of a Coalition of Emergency Departments in New York City.

Publication Type Academic Article
Authors Tedeschi C, Mills A, Sharma R, Deland E, Johnston B, Schwimmer E, Heilpern K
Journal Disaster Med Public Health Prep
Volume 16
Issue 5
Pagination 2114-2119
Date Published 06/30/2021
ISSN 1938-744X
Keywords Pandemics, COVID-19
Abstract The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has stressed the US health care system in unprecedented ways. In March and April 2020, emergency departments (EDs) throughout New York City experienced high volumes and acuity related to the pandemic. Here, we present a structured after-action report of a coalition of 9 EDs within a hospital system in the New York City metropolitan area, with an emphasis on best practices developed during the prolonged surge as well as specific opportunities for growth. We report our experience in 6 key areas using a framework built around lessons learned. This report represents the most salient concepts related to our institutional after-action report, and those seemingly most relevant to our peer institutions dealing with similar circumstances.
DOI 10.1017/dmp.2021.216
PubMed ID 34187613
PubMed Central ID PMC8376848
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