Application of geographical information system (GIS) for mapping road traffic injuries using existing source of data in Karachi, Pakistan--a pilot study.

Publication Type Academic Article
Authors Razzak J, Khan U, Jalal S
Journal J Pak Med Assoc
Volume 61
Issue 7
Pagination 640-3
Date Published 07/01/2011
ISSN 0030-9982
Keywords Accidents, Traffic, Geographic Information Systems, Wounds and Injuries
Abstract OBJECTIVE: To assess the feasibility of using Geographical Information System for mapping of road traffic injuries with an existing data source in a developing country. METHODS: The study was a retrospectives case series of road traffic injury cases registered with the medico-legal office located in the three major trauma centers in Karachi for the period of January 1, 2004 till December 31st, 2004. Spatial data analysis was performed using ARCVIEW 3.1. RESULTS: Out of 3650 of all road traffic injury, only 3% had locations detailed and accurate enough allowing mapping on a GIS map in the first attempt. Even after using detailed town maps and field exercises more than a quarter cases (n=1088; 30%) of road traffic injuries (RTIs) could not be properly located. We identified 25 areas of one kilometer or less in Karachi accounting for 27% of all RTIs. Five corridors of road measuring 27.7 km accounted for 590 (23%) of all RTIs with known locations. CONCLUSIONS: Existing sources of data from the medico-legal system in Karachi failed to provide exact information on crash site. Such datasets can however be used to define high risk areas/neighbourhoods.
PubMed ID 22204236
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